ArenaNet FlyApart Tool

Destruction Tool written to be a faster alternative to Maya's Destruction

ArenaNet Vertex Animation Tool

Tool for Baking Mesh Animations to textures to animate mesh particles using the vertex shader.

ArenaNet Vertex Animation- Maya to Unreal

Modifying the ArenaNet Vertex Animation Tool to animate creature mesh particles and static geo in Unreal. Also use to position animated mesh particles as compound creatures.

Motion Vector Shaders in Guild Wars 2

Using a 7x7 Flipbook to create fluid animations lasting 10 or more seconds while faking global illumination.

Vicious Cycle Rig Tools

The Tools Vicious Cycle animators use to create character rigs for various projects.

Vicious Cycle FaceTools

A Set of Tools for rigging faces to animate like morph targets.

Vicious Cycle Destruction Pipeline

The destruction pipeline for creating destructible props and buildings.

Vicious Cycle Skinning Tool

For turning a set of dynamic objects into one skinned object to reduce draw calls

Vicious Cycle Flipbook Tool

For creating animated textures to be used in-game.

Bioware "Morph Safe" Mirror Tool

For creating morph targets without changing vertex ID numbers.

Mike Viewer Test 01

An HLSL viewer written in C# and managed DirectX 9.0.

ArenaNet Cinematics Toolbar

Maya Tool Shelf and Mouse Tools created for Cinematics Department.

ArenaNet Simplify Keys Slider

Tool created for simplifying curves in Maya.

ArenaNet Add Noise/Wave Tool

Adds Noise or a Wave to selected curve section.

ArenaNet Ease-Keys Tool

Tool created for easing rough curves to a bezier curve solution.

ArenaNet Multi-Copy Keys

This tool is for copying and offsetting keys from one object to multiple other selected objects.

ArenaNet Scale Keys Tool

Tool created for scaling curves in Maya..

ArenaNet Hold Animation Tool

This tool is to create keys for an animation to hold a pose over a period of time.