Maya to Unreal Vertex Animation Tool

This tool is used to export Vertex Animations from Maya into unreal. It is a modified version of the previous ArenaNet Vertex Animation tool.

Note: All creature models, animations and textures were created by other artists for use in the Guild Wars 2. Mike McClelland is only responsible for creating the Vertex Animated Texture tool and exporting and using in Unreal.


Spider position and normal animations as .exr files:


Vert Animated Static Mesh Spider using custom shader.


Frame Interpolation:


1st pass Mesh Particle Fish:


Mesh Particle Spiders:


Mesh Particle Whales:


Using Vertex Animated textures to generate Niagara Particle positions and animations:


Using Vertex Animated textures to generate Niagara Mesh Particles and to drive other animated meshes to create something, well... awful: