This is the documentation created for this Tool:

ArenaNet Cinematics Ease Keys Tool


This is a tool currently available in the Cinematics Shelf/Tools in Maya 2018. The intended use of the tool is to clean current selected key data by matching or blending it to an invisible Bezier Curve. It can also be used to replace the currently selected keys with Bezier points on the curve.

If Needed, the tool can be launched by the Arch Hotkey command: my.core.codex.runTool(my.core.codex.get('Cinematics_EaseKeysTool'))


EaseKeys Tool UI

Ease In/Out Value: Values between -1.0 and 1.0. -1.0 will be an ease out curve between the endpoints, 0.0 will be a linear curve between the endpoints, and 1.0 will be an ease in curve between the endpoints.

Blend From Stored Position: Values between 0.0 and 1.0. 0.0 will be the original, unchanged curve, while 1.0 will match the Ease In/Out perfectly. Values between will blend between the Original and the Bezier.

Bezier Point Iterations: How many bezier points will be calculated on the invisible Bezier Curve. Less is faster. When Replacing Current Keys, the number here will be the number of new keys.

Acquire Selected Keys Info: this stores the currently selected key times, values, and tangent info to act upon. If your selection changes, this info needs to be re-acquired.

Replace Current Keys with Bezier: this will delete your current keys and just use keys on the bezier curve. The number of keys is the number in the Bezier Point Iterations box. The key times will vary from the originals. This method is faster as it isn't looking up values on the curve for each time.

Original Unchanged Example


Ease In/Out Value from -1.0 to 1.0

In this example, the Blend Value is at 1.0, and the Ease In/Out value is changing from -1.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 should be linear between the points. The Key times are still the same as the original, but the values and tangents have changed.


Blend from Stored Position

In this example, the Blend value is first set to 0.0 while the In/Out value is at -1.0. The Blend is first changed to 1.0, then the In/Out value is changed to 1.0. Finally, the Blend is set back to 0.0. Key times are kept the same as the original.


Replace Current Keys with Bezier Keys

In this example, the original keys have been replaced by the Bezier Keys and the Ease In/Out value is changing from -1.0 to 1.0. This method is faster because it doesn't lookup values and blend at the original times. Key Times are no longer the same as the original values. The number of keys created is the same as the number in the Bezier Point Iterations box.