Hapkido 16 Step Form:  

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1. Forward Wrist Twist (Wave Throw)

Defender begins in left front stance; step back with left leg; right down block; right in-to-out soft middle block; grab wrist and pull to continue the attacker's forward momentum; step in front of attacker with left leg to parallel stance facing away from attacker; bring attacker's wrist in long forward wave motion; step back with right leg while pulling wrist back.

2. Outward Wrist Twist
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left down block; left out-to-in middle block; grab attackers hand; circle forward with right leg; circle back with left leg; bring attacker's hand in front performing outside wrist twist.
3. Arm Bar, Foot Sweep
Defender begins in left front stance; step back with left leg; right down block, right soft in-to-out middle block; grab wrist and step behind attacker's right foot with defender's left foot; arm bar attacker's right arm across defender's chest as defender's left hand reaches around attacker's head and grabs throat, release arm bar and pull up and back on throat while sweeping attacker's right foot up and forward with defender's left foot.
4. Major Outer Reaping Throw
Defender begins in left front stance; step back with left leg; right palm heel down block; right in-to-out soft middle block; step forward left foot and left elbow to attacker's temple; pivot and right elbow to attacker's kidney; right arm reaches across attacker's front and execute major outer reaping throw.
5. Crescent, Spinning Crescent, Low Back Kick
Defender begins in right front stance, step back with right leg; left down block; right out-to-in crescent kick to block punch; right jumping turning out-to-in crescent kick, left turning sidekick from the floor.
6. Low, Middle, High Roundhouse, High Heel Kicks
Defender begins in right front stance, step back with right leg; left down block; left in-to-out soft middle block while turning left foot slightly outward; triple-roundhouse kick, low-middle-high, with right leg; left spin heel kick to temple; kick of defender's choice.
7. Stomach Throw
Defender begins in right front stance, step back with right leg; left down block; left in-to-out soft middle block while sliding left foot between attacker's feet; left hand grabs attacker's right sleeve while right hand grabs attacker's left lapel; right foot on attacker's hip; sit and throw.
8. Side Sacrifice
Defender begins in right front stance, step back with right leg; left down block; left in-to-out soft middle block while sliding left foot slightly outside/in front attacker's right foot; left hand grabs attacker's right sleeve while right hand grabs attacker's right shoulder; defender's right foot is placed across attacker's right ankle; swing around to right and fall.
9. Arm Bar, Pickup (Back Fireman's Pickup)
Defender begins in left front stance; step back with left leg; right palm heel down block; right in-to-out soft middle block; grab wrist; step behind attacker's right foot with left leg while positioning attacker's arm on right shoulder; arm bar attacker's right arm; pull attacker's arm at 45 degrees from vertical; circle shoulders in and lift attacker so that attacker's belt is at your neck; slide forward with right leg, while swinging attacker's right arm down across your waist; pull up on right arm.
10. Shoulder Wheel Throw (Front Fireman's Pickup)
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left palm heel down block; left in-to-out soft middle block; grab wrist; step between attacker's feet with right leg while pulling attacker's arm at 45 degrees from vertical; circle shoulders in and upward strike with right forearm into attacker's groin; lift attacker so that attacker's belt is at your neck; circle back with left leg and forward with right leg; duck head and drop attacker forward; pull up on right arm.
11. Scissor Throw
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left soft out-to-in lower block forcing defender into right side stance; left in-to-out soft middle block; defender grabs attacker's right shoulder with left hand; right foot steps forward (toward attacker) behind left foot; jump and scissor left leg in front of attacker, right leg behind.
12. Shoulder Throw (Tiger Throw)
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left palm heel down block; left in-to-out soft middle block; right backhand knife-hand strike to attacker's temple or throat; reach right hand around back of attacker's head and grab; shoulder throw.
13. Inner Thigh Reap
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left palm heel down block; left in-to-out soft middle block; right foot steps forward and right forward knife-hand strike to attacker's throat; step left foot forward and left elbow to attacker's solar plexus; pivot clockwise and right elbow to attacker's solar plexus; circle right arm under attacker's left arm and across back; throw at 45 degrees to left while right leg reaps attacker's left leg.
14. Front Rice Thresh Throw (Front Carpet Roll)
Defender begins in right front stance; step back with right leg; left palm heel down block; step forward with right leg and right right upper block; drop right arm over attacker's left shoulder and grab; slide left foot forward; left arm wraps attacker's left (rear) leg; arch stomach forward under attacker's hips and lift; unroll and drop.
15. Rear Rice Thresh Throw (Rear Carpet Roll)
Defender begins in left front stance; step back with left leg; right palm heel down block; right in-to-out soft middle block;reach right arm over attacker's right arm and grab attacker's left shoulder; slide left foot forward behind attacker's feet; left arm wraps attacker's right (front) leg; arch stomach forward under attacker's hips and lift; unroll and drop.
16. Straight arm pickup (Hmmmm....)

All the videos can be downloaded in iPod format (.m4v) in a single .zip file here: 16Step_iPhone_Movies.zip (119 MB).

Hapkido Ranks: MS Word Format (.DOCX), Adobe Acrobat Format (.PDF).

Note: The demonstrations shown here were done by students of the Apex Hapkido Club, with Richard Lemaster instructing. The text descriptions on this page were pulled directly from the Yongmudo Hapkido Page, affiliated with the Yongmudo Club at the University of California.